Look Around My Fun Jungle!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Poisonous Elephants And Zebras??

No, they're not REALLY poisonous!  They're just part of your spelling words!!  Here are the words for next week.  Have GIANT ELEPHANT FUN with them!

Group 1
1. crust
2. must
3. trust
4. lump
5. bump
6. just
7. dusk
8. jump
9. dust
10. hunt

Group 2
1. home
2. them
3. into
4. many
5. park
6. hands
7. best
8. sent
9. lamp
10. plus

Group 3
1. desert
2. world
3. silent
4. medicine
5. forest
6. chatter
7. snort
8. poisonous
9. elephants
10. zebras

There's lots of stuff to remember for the coming week.  Here's the breakdown:

Library books and BLUE behavior folders are due.  RED folders go home.  It's also the LAST DAY for the Scholastic Book Orders online.

Early out! 

P.E. - Wear tennis shoes!

RED folders are due.  Also on Friday...

Zoo Field Trip!!  Please send your child with a lunch in a disposable sack.  Brown bag, write their name and my name on the bag.  Disposable plastic bottle with their name on it as well.  We leave at 9:00 am and return at 1:00pm.  I have four parent volunteers, so we're all set for the trip.

Please email me at plettera@amphi.com if you have any questions.

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