Look Around My Fun Jungle!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sunday Sayings

I hope you've had a great Halloween weekend.  I'd like to thank everyone who helped with the Halloween festivities.  I appreciate the Sign-Up genius, the donations, and your time helping with the center.  We had a great day!  I am truly grateful for this wonderful class - the kids and their families!

Don't forget that tomorrow is the beginning of Harelson's Spirit Week and we're starting off with Mustache Day!!  So come to class sporting the 'stache of your choice.  This should be a real blast!

In addition, here are the spelling words for the coming week - we've got to squeeze some learning into all of this fun!

Group 1
1. like
2. time
3. dime
4. kite
5. ride
6. white
7. hide
8. smile
9. bike
10. ice

Group 2
1. live
2. who
3. out
4. work
5. people
6. bats
7. night
8. fruit
9. fishing
10. mail

Group 3
1. citizen
2. law
3. branch
4. patrol
5. community
6. leader
7. headquarters
8. earn
9. busy
10. neighborhood
In closing, I'd like to remind you that the school office is hoping to collect $5.00 from each student to help provide a nice holiday to some of our Harelson families who are in need.  If you can donate, the office is collecting until December 10th.

See you tomorrow!

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