Look Around My Fun Jungle!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Give Joy, Get Joy

Hello again Harelson Families!

At the end of October I told you about Harelson's annual Holiday Family Adoption - where we begin collecting money to help families in the Amphi School District.

We've been doing this each Decemeber since 1976 - that's 38 years!

This year our focus will be with our very own families - those within Harelson Elementary School.  In order to preserve this amazing tradition, and make it a giant success, we were hoping that each student would be able to donate FIVE DOLLARS by December 10th, 2014.

We have TWELVE families this year that we're hoping to help.  All the funds collected will be used to purchase gift cards to equally distribute to the families who have expressed a need.

I'm still collecting in the classroom and will be until Wednesday, December 10th.  You may also drop off donations directly to the main office.  Reminders will be mentioned in our daily announcements until we reach the day collecting ends.

Please help your children participate by giving money - which they may have earned themselves at home - so we are able to help others in need. 

We thank you so much for your wonderful help and support!  When you give, you truly do get!


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