Look Around My Fun Jungle!

Monday, January 12, 2015

The Report Is In


Dear Parents,

The report cards went home yesterday.  I had the kids put them inside their “Blue Behavior Folder”.  Please sign and return just the envelope.

There will be a special letter inside the “RED Folder” which will go home this Monday.  It describes your child’s assignment for the 100th Day of School.  If you have any questions please feel free to email me.

I would like to welcome two new students to our classroom: Meera and Nurmyrza!  We are very happy to have them.

The spelling words this week are:

Group 1:
bring, bank, rink, sunk, trunk, sang, blank, pink, wing, rang  (-ng & -nk words)

Group 2:
any, every, were, enough, own, ever, sure, father, mother, night

Group 3:
attempt, time line, flatter, lovely, event, famous, correct, common, precious, howling

Please remember to sign and return the “Blue Behavior Folder today.

Today is also Library Day so return those books please!

It is super important that you are having your children use RAZ kids (on-line reading program) and Reflex Math (on-line math fact fluency program) several times throughout each week.  The school purchased both of these programs and it’s a great way for the kids to learn.

Have a great week!

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