Look Around My Fun Jungle!

Monday, March 30, 2015

A Little Bird Told Me The Spelling Words

The Eastern Bluebird

GROUP 1 backpack, baseball, bluebird, brainstorm, flashlight, herself, inside, lunchbox, outside, suitcase

picture, remember, room, stood, thought, cookies, cradle, idea, biscuits, grew

jealous, sibling, porridge, seriousness, relatives, secret, collector, flourish, crocodile, curtain

The spelling test will be given on THURSDAY due to our field trip to the Desert Museum on Friday.


**Our field trip to the Desert Museum will be this Friday April 3rd.  There will be a letter about the Desert Museum Trip in the RED FOLDERS that will come home tomorrow.

Have a great week!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Acckk! Polly Wants A Spelling Word!

Hi everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed their week!  I miss the kiddos!

Here are the spelling words for the upcoming week:

bright, high, lie, light, might, night, pie, right, tie, tight

above, eight, laugh, moon, touch, cow, cowboy, point, roundup, sold

impression, favorite, errand, familiar, memory, stampede, cattle, cows, front, roundups

Our field trip to the Desert Museum will be on Friday April 3, 2015 – 2 weeks from today.  The field trip is paid for through tax credit money, there is no cost to the children. 

The kiddos will need a totally disposable lunch, water bottle, hat and sunscreen (applied at home before school).  We will leave school around 8:50 am and return by 1:30pm.

If you would like to request a lunch from the cafeteria for that day please email me by this Monday March 23rd.  I need to give the cafeteria 2 weeks notice for a packed lunch.

Enjoy the weekend!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

We've Got Lots Going On!

Above is a photo of the United States Capitol Building in Washington, DC.  Below are your spelling words for the week!

Group 1: blow, boat, coat, loaf, pillow, road, row, snow, soap, yellow

Group 2: found, mouth, once, took, wild, woman, women, married, capital, country

Group 3: nation, tourist, splinter, harbor, symbol, abandon, sunken, statue, documents, government

Our story is called “A Trip to Washington D.C.” The focus is on long O (oa and ow)

This coming Friday is the Jump for Heart.  We will be jumping from 12:30 until 2:30 - that's a LOT of jumping!  There will not be centers Friday afternoon.  The kiddos need to bring a jump rope for Friday if they have one.  Please put their name on the handle with a Sharpie.

After jumping we usually have an Eegee’s treat. I would like each student to bring in 1$, if possible, to put towards the Eegees.  I also need a volunteer parent that could pick the Eegees up and bring it to our classroom.  I will give that parent the $$ ahead of time. Collecting a dollar from everyone keeps the cost from being one family’s responsibility.
Bobcats at the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum
April 3rd will be our field trip to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  We will leave about 9am and return before 1:30pm.  I have 4 volunteers scheduled - including me makes 5- which is the number they allow for “Official Chaperones”.  If you would still like to go I believe you can pay for yourself and ride the bus (provided there is room) or drive yourself and meet us there. 

Your child will need a disposable sack lunch, water bottle and sunscreen (apply before you come to school); a hat would be great too. I will email volunteers separately so that you can double-check your calendar and make sure you are still available.

Spring Break is the week of March 14th – March 22nd.  That is next week and school will be closed.

Report cards will be sent home on Friday March 27th.

Please send me pictures from the “Father Daughter Dance” if you would like to share.  I was there until 7:30 and I have a few pictures to show the class. 

Thank you to the Dads for taking the time to bring your beautiful daughters!