Look Around My Fun Jungle!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Acckk! Polly Wants A Spelling Word!

Hi everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed their week!  I miss the kiddos!

Here are the spelling words for the upcoming week:

bright, high, lie, light, might, night, pie, right, tie, tight

above, eight, laugh, moon, touch, cow, cowboy, point, roundup, sold

impression, favorite, errand, familiar, memory, stampede, cattle, cows, front, roundups

Our field trip to the Desert Museum will be on Friday April 3, 2015 – 2 weeks from today.  The field trip is paid for through tax credit money, there is no cost to the children. 

The kiddos will need a totally disposable lunch, water bottle, hat and sunscreen (applied at home before school).  We will leave school around 8:50 am and return by 1:30pm.

If you would like to request a lunch from the cafeteria for that day please email me by this Monday March 23rd.  I need to give the cafeteria 2 weeks notice for a packed lunch.

Enjoy the weekend!

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