Look Around My Fun Jungle!

Sunday, May 3, 2015


This will be our last week for spelling words/spelling test.  We will continue with our Reading Series until the end of school but there will not be a spelling test on May 15th.

Group 1: boil, boy, coin, join, oil, oink, point, soil, toy, voice

Group 2: against, goes, heavy, kinds, today, choice, joint, annoy, poison, points

Group 3: gadget, convenient, pilot, cellar, equipment, engine, steer, furnace, machines, surface

Other news:

Monday is our last library day for this year, we will not be checking out or renewing books.  All library books need to be returned by this Monday 5/4.

Please return Blue Behavior Folders on Monday.

Tuesday is our purchasing day to 5th grade’s Nature’s Treasures

We are in need of paper towel tubes for our centers this week.  If you have any please send them in, I would appreciate it!!

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