Look Around My Fun Jungle!

Monday, December 15, 2014

A Few Reminders

That's right - no school on Friday!  But we will see all your kids the rest of the week!

There will be no spelling next week.

And please see the Sign-Up Genius sent by email for Christmas Centers next Thursday, December 18th, from 9:30 to 11:00 am.  Originally the centers were scheduled for the afternoon but they've been moved to morning.

Also, I only have one parent volunteer right now and would love to have five more.  Please use the Sign-Up Genius if you can help out.  Thanks in advance!

Have a great week!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Singing Among The Stacks

There will be singing in the bookstore!

Tomorrow, Saturday, December 13, 2014, the Harelson students will perform upstairs in the children's section at Barnes & Noble at The Foothills Mall.  

First grade will be singing at approximately 9:15 am and the performance will last about 10 minutes.

See you there!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

How We Build A Snowman In Arizona

Dear Parents,

I have a special project planned for our center on December 18th.  In order for the students to participate, they will need to bring in one 12 oz. bottle of milk.  Something like this:
Please have your child bring the bottle of milk on Thursday, December 18th.  I will have an ice chest ready so they'll be able to keep the milk cold.

I've seen the Shamrock 12 oz. bottles of milk in Safeway for $1.00 each, but any of these single serving bottles around 12 to 14 ounces will work.  Because when you think about it, have you ever seen a snowman that's exactly the same size as any other snowman? 

We're going to turn them into this:

We might not have snow, but we'll certainly have snowmen!! 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

And Then They Sang...

Don't forget - tomorrow there will be singing!!

The FIRST GRADE MUSICAL PERFORMANCE will be held tomorrow - Thursday, December 11, 2014.

The school performance is in the morning and the evening performance is at 6:00 pm.

See you there!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Give Joy, Get Joy

Hello again Harelson Families!

At the end of October I told you about Harelson's annual Holiday Family Adoption - where we begin collecting money to help families in the Amphi School District.

We've been doing this each Decemeber since 1976 - that's 38 years!

This year our focus will be with our very own families - those within Harelson Elementary School.  In order to preserve this amazing tradition, and make it a giant success, we were hoping that each student would be able to donate FIVE DOLLARS by December 10th, 2014.

We have TWELVE families this year that we're hoping to help.  All the funds collected will be used to purchase gift cards to equally distribute to the families who have expressed a need.

I'm still collecting in the classroom and will be until Wednesday, December 10th.  You may also drop off donations directly to the main office.  Reminders will be mentioned in our daily announcements until we reach the day collecting ends.

Please help your children participate by giving money - which they may have earned themselves at home - so we are able to help others in need. 

We thank you so much for your wonderful help and support!  When you give, you truly do get!


Friday, December 5, 2014

Become A Math Ninja!

Hello Parents!

I just wanted to remind you that Reflex Math information is coming home Monday in the RED FOLDER

Reflex Math is a math fluency program that we will use at school, but it's also for you to use with your child at home. 

I have emailed you a letter with information on how to access the program online and also included your child's password card (which I have laminated) for them to easily refer to.

I am hoping that you'll make use of this fantastic program to increase your child's math fluency - having them use it 4-5 times per week for a minimum of 15-20 minutes each time - in the comfort of your own home!

The use of this program shows measurable results in fluency from those who've been using it.  It's been proven that test scores improve using Reflex - "Across multiple grade levels and assessments, students who use Reflex are scoring higher and growing faster than their peers."
See some of those results here.  

As usual, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!
Have a great weekend!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Winding Down The Year

Can you believe it's December already?  Only a few more weeks and we'll be staring a brand new year.

There's still a few things to learn in this year though - like the following spelling words!

Here are your spelling words for the following week.

Make me proud!

Group 1
1. feet
2. we
3. she
4. be
5. he
6. green
7. tree
8. see
9. me
10. week

Group 2
1. also
2. other
3. family
4. some
5. new
6. their
7. worker
8. flowers
9. nectar
10. honey

Group 3
1. individual
2. special
3. slither
4. eagerly
5. industrious
6. creep
7. romp
8. wander
9. picnic
10. ribbon

There's shopping happening at Harelson!

This Friday and Saturday the Harelson Entrepreneurs' Club will be hosting the Bobcat Artisan Market.  It will be held in the Funhouse and all of the items for sale have been designed and producted by Harelson 4th and 6th grade students.  All items are selling for under $5.00.  It's open to the public, so please join us and bring a friend!

December 5, 2014
8:30 am - 3:30 pm

December 6, 2014
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

If you would like for your child to be able to purchase items from the Bobcat Artisans Market please send them with money in a plastic baggie or envelope labeled with their name by Friday morning.  I will keep the envelopes until we go to the market on Friday at 12:30. 

Another little reminder for you:

The FIRST GRADE MUSICAL PERFORMANCE will be held on Thursday, December 11, 2014.

The school performance is in the morning and the evening performance is at 6:00 pm.  

Also, on Saturday, December 13, 2014, the Harelson students will perform upstairs in the children's section at Barnes & Noble at The Foothills Mall.  

First grade will be singing at approximately 9:15 am and the performance will last about 10 minutes.

See you there!!